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INDOOR PLANT- Philodendron Malay Gold

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Philodendron ‘Malay Gold’ is a lemon – lime – yellow climbing Philodendron hybrid from Thailand. This rarely offered Philodendron is a striking plant with light reddish – pink stems that contrast the yellow foliage. It is a robust plant and an easy grower that will perform best when given a support to climb as it matures.

This particular Philodendron is a fast climber due to it’s native upbringing so it will definitely need the support of a moss pole. Ensure that this plant is also kept out of direct sunlight as not to spoil the color of its leaves and keep in levels of low humidity. Please also be aware that this plant can be irritant towards sensitive eyes and skin.

The reason philodendrons make such amazing indoor plants is that they adapt to a wide variety of lighting and water conditions in the wild and so will thrive indoors very well. The plants have large, green, dark leaves which allow them to absorb even the tiniest traces of light and water in the wild or at home.