Krystal Surface Solution - | E-Showroom
Krystal Surface Solution - | E-Showroom
We are manufacturer & exporter of STAR chemicals for fumeless picklingand passivation of stainless steel,Stainless steel cleaning chemicals,Stainless Steel pickling passivation ,Pickling paste,Pickling Gel,passivation of stainless steel,STAR 100,STAR Gel Pickling Paste Gel STAR Spray,STAR Dip,STAR Passivation Chemical,weld scale remover,pickling paste Gel,stainless steel weld passivation,pickling
paste stainless steel,welding scale remover.STAR chemicals are tested &
approved by I.I.T.-Bombay under ASTM A 380 standards. And many more
products. . . . .
Weld Cleaner,Pickling Paste,Pickling Gel,Weld Cleaning,Welding Cleaning,Stainless Steel Passivation,Pickling and Passivation...
Stainless Steel Pickling Paste Gel STAR Gel
STAR chemicals for pickling & passivation of stainless steel etc.
STAR Gel Paste Gel form is used to clea