OTAL L.L.C - | E-Showroom
OTAL L.L.C - | E-Showroom
FREYLIT has beenproducing and installing a wide range of oil/water separators since 1983. Morethan 90% of all gas stations in Austria are equipped with FREYLIT Oilseparators. The special features of our Mineral and Residual Oil Separatorsare:
Oil outlet concentration BELOW 5 ppm (5 mg/L)
Corrugated coalescent plates have a minimum lifetime of 20 YEARS of our oil separators are proved according to the Euro Norm EN 858-1 and all
All our oil separators are proved according to the Euro Norm EN 858-1 and all certifications can be provided.
We have extensive experience in oil/water separation of more than 25 years and have completed many large projects worldwide
· FREYLIToil separators are designed to the exact specifications and requirements of ourclients and the modular plate – pack system – is the perfect solution for largescale industrial oil separators.
Flow ratesfrom 3 liters/second up to 5000 liters/second or larger.
Our coalescent plate pack separators are the most economic and efficient method oftreating such process waters
FREYLIT OWSApplications
· Oil depots & Fuel storage facilities
Recovery of valuable oil from oil/water mixtures atoil fields
· Oil fields & Refineries
Oil pipe lines
· Power stations
· Marine oil terminals
· Steel mills, steel manufacturing
· Ship yards
· Harbors
· Airports
· Car park
· Garages (Road & Rail)
· Airplane Hangars
Efficient oil contamination remedial operations
· Oil Spill interventions